Project Description

APRIL 29, 2020

Britannia Secondary School

3BP is proud to support Britannia Secondary School as part of our #everylittlebithelps initiative. Britannia serves a vibrant and diverse community of students and families in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

Schools are measured in many ways, but a great school inspires an increased pride of place, community identification, and a sense of self. Education creates social equalization and a foundation for optimism and resiliency. Serving students that speak 38 different languages at home including many indigenous families, Britannia’s Staff must support unique situations and circumstances. Beyond teaching, it includes daily breakfast and lunch for each student, drug and alcohol counseling, and specialized support for students’ physical and mental health.

During #covid19 , Britannia has fought to protect food security and access to technology for students and their families. Close to 30% of Britannia’s students do not have access to a computer home so Staff have been working to provide a laptop for every student. The continuation of learning during the pandemic must be equitable and no student should be left behind.

Thank you Britannia for the difference they make in local lives every day. We hope you have time to learn more about this amazing community.

Visit the Britannia Secondary School Website